Monday, April 30, 2012

hey its me again....i had a really, really bad day. i had volleyball practice after school, and did not do well at all! i stink at volleyball! :( oh well. so, two people viewed my last post, hey? well, if your out there, then post a comment, tell me about you! i really want to meet some more people....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

hi everybody. I'm new here, so let me interduce myself. i am awkward Girl and i just started blogging.  my life's a little complicated, so lets begin. i like a guy at my school, but am too chicken to do anything, my mom is depressed and has OCD, and my dad has to do everything. my friends dont know me that bullyed a lot, but i try to deal with it. oh well. i have to do homework, so see you later....bye!